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Looking to send messages to the UK from a new Sender ID? From 4th April, you will need to contact us to set this up.

Email to SMS.
Get support for your Esendex Email to SMS products.

Error Messages – Email to SMS

When using Email to SMS, you can occasionally see error messages. Below is a collection of the most common. They’re nothing to be concerned about and can easily be resolved by yourself, your account manager, or the support team.

Error 503: Unfortunately you are not authorized to send this message via Email to SMS. Contact your administrator to ensure you are configured as an Email to SMS user and/or review the security settings.

If you try to send a message and you see this error, it means that you’re not currently set up as an Email to SMS user, or the Email to SMS security settings on the account may need reviewing.

An admin user can check/add users on an account by clicking into Email to SMS, which will automatically directs to the ‘Users’ page.

To check the security settings on the account, click into Email to SMS, then ‘Settings’ and then ‘Security’. It may be that the settings are filtering IP addresses and that this is stopping messages from being sent.

If you are confident that you’ve set the correct email address up, try sending an email to yourself from the email address and then view the email headers and check the address next to <return-path>; this may be different to your From address.

The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at [echomail.net208.73.211.183: timed out] [ timed out] [ timed out] [ timed out]

This can be caused by a typing error in the domain name and depending on the email client this error message might take 24 to 48 hours to be received.

Error 554: Transaction Failed’ or ‘Insufficient messages remaining

This error can occur if you do not have enough credit on your account to send messages. If you are seeing this error please check your message balance via the interface and either purchase via eCommerce or speak to your account manager.

It is worth noting that you may also see errors if:

  • The message is encrypted
  • The message has a conflicting format that we do not support.
  • Your email client is sending a different return-path
  • The message has an attachment.

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