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Looking to send messages to the UK from a new Sender ID? From 4th April, you will need to contact us to set this up.

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What is RCS messaging?

As you compose your message, you will see the option to select your desired message type. One of the upgrade options available is RCS messaging, but what exactly is this and how can it be used in your messaging campaigns?

RCS messaging, which stands for Rich Communication Services, is a next-generation SMS protocol that can be used to send enriched content to customers. More specifically, the features of RCS messaging include customisable branding, verified sender status, response buttons, rich content transfer, and campaign tracking.

RCS and mobile device compatibility

RCS messaging is primarily supported by Android handsets, meaning that any customers with Apple iPhones cannot receive this type of content. However, our platform is capable of identifying which users can and cannot receive RCS messaging, so you can rest assured your customers will benefit from the best rich content experience possible.

Benefits of RCS messaging

Upgrading to RCS messaging provides customers with a more trusted messaging service as your message will be sent from a verified user with branded ID credentials. You can also integrate an intelligent chatbot to help respond to basic customer queries which can lower the overall costs of your customer service. Apart from improving brand reception and enriching the level of communication between you and your customers, you’ll have access to actionable engagement data and improved customer retention rates.

Upgrading to RCS messaging

If you would like to learn more about RCS messaging or upgrade to this feature, all you need to do is fill out our enquiry form. One of the members of our team will shortly reach out and assist you with the upgrade process.

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