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Looking to send messages to the UK from a new Sender ID? From 4th April, you will need to contact us to set this up.

Message Centre.
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Message History

Your message history is an archive of all messages that have been sent to recipients. 

Having a recorded log of your message history can be incredibly useful for several reasons. For example, you can follow up on customer complaints, view conversation logs for invoice reconciliation purposes or draw up reports with existing data.

To access your message history, head over to the ’Message history’ tab on the left-hand side of your screen or use the ’Message history’ quick link located in the middle of the homepage portal. From here, you will be presented with a list of files available to download from the previous 12 months.


Sent messages

Under this tab you’ll find all the messages which you have sent, including all the conversations you have engaged in.

Message centre

Under this tab you’ll find all the messages sent via the message centre, but not any of your conversations. From here you’ll be able to download message reports, view a status summary and see via which channel a message was sent. 

To sort messages by sent date, simply click on the small arrows next to ‘Sent at’ in the top row. In the same way, you can also sort by message name using the arrows next to ‘Send title’ and by date created using the ‘Created at’ arrows in the same top row. 

To the left of your messages there is an ‘Actions’ column. By clicking on the three dots you’ll be able to download the message history or view a graphic representation of its status summary.



There is also the option in the ‘Message centre’ tab to edit the columns under which your messages appear. This is particularly useful for viewing only messages which are relevant to your search. Using a simple toggle, you can filter messages by sent date, recipients and other terms. 


This is a list of all the messages which are scheduled to be delivered. Again, the columns in this list can be easily edited to view only those messages which are relevant. You also have the option under this tab to cancel the scheduled send.

Downloading your message history

Message data can easily be downloaded using the ‘Sent messages’ or ‘Message centre’ tabs. Both ways will provide you with information in the form of a CSV file, which can be opened in most spreadsheet programs.

Download from sent messages   

Downloading from sent messages enables you to see your message history for entire months. Just find the appropriate month and click on the ‘Export (.CSV)’ button at the far right of the row.    


Depending on the number of messages you’ve sent and the speed of your internet connection, your file may take a while to download.

After downloading the file, you will have access to the following data:

  • recipients
  • date messages were created 
  • date messages sent 
  • campaign name
  • channel via which messages were sent
  • message content
  • total number of message parts which the campaign comprised
  • Name and address of senders 
  • message status
  • date of the last status update
  • message ID
  • batch name
  • any rich content included
  • rich content viewed

Download from message centre

From the message centre you will be able to download data about individual messages. Simply click on the three ‘Actions’ dots, to the left of the appropriate message, then click on ‘Download report’.


After downloading the file, you will have access to the following data:

  • recipients
  • message status
  • channel via which the message was sent
  • date message was sent 
  • date message was delivered 
  • message content 
  • name and address of the sender
  • any rich content included
  • rich content viewed
  • landing page view count

Understanding the status of your messages

Under the ‘status’ column of your file, you will find a series of terms that will help you identify whether your message has been delivered, cancelled, or otherwise. Here is a list of what each message status means.

Delivered: The recipient’s handset, or in some cases the recipient’s network, has acknowledged the message as received.

Sent: The message has been sent to the network, but it has not been delivered to the handset as of yet.

Failed: The message could not be delivered by the network.

Expired: The number is valid, but the handset has not acknowledged receipt of the message within 72 hours. If the message is a voice message, the call wasn’t answered within the specified number of attempts.

Cancelled: The batch of messages was cancelled before sending.

Partially delivered: A message of 2 or more parts hasn’t been fully delivered by the network yet. Some handsets will display the part of the message which has been delivered by adding ‘**’ at the end. Other handsets won’t display the message until all parts have been delivered.

Scheduled: The message has been created to be sent at a future date.

Acknowledged: The recipient has pressed 1 on their handset when prompted by the voice message.

Rejected: The recipient has pressed 9 on their handset when prompted by the voice message.

Connecting: The voice message is still trying to connect to the recipient.

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